Monthly Archives: November 2012

Heavy Rotation: I Wonder by Rodriguez


Quite a wonderful recent addition to my collection, this. The story of Rodriguez is quite amazing and I strongly recommend doing a little bit of research via your search engine of choice.

I Wonder taken from the 1970 album Cold Fact is a ragged, soulful, folky rotation ’round a cavalcade of choruses. The playing is a little raw and ropey, but that certainly adds to its charm. And along with Rodriguez’s soulful vocal, it deserves to be buried treasure no more.


Heavy Rotation: Shelter Song by Temples


Here’s the debut single from Temples, another great addition to Heavenly Recordings’ roster. Strap yourself in for a psychedelic nugget that’s heavily indebted to the ’60s and bursting at the seams with narcotic harmonies, cavernous drums and 12 string Rickenbacker firepower.

Temples prove that sometimes retro-fetishism is acceptable; I can’t wait for my 7-inch to arrive in the post!